10 Most Intense Episodes of NCIS: New Orleans, Ranked

NCIS: New Orleans is a part of the global phenomenon NCIS TV franchise. The 2014 series is the 3rd addition to the NCIS franchise and follows a team of NCIS agents investigating cases involving Navy and Marine personnel in New Orleans. The series starred notable actors such as Scott Bakula, Lucas Black, and CCH Pounder.

The NCIS franchise is known for its intense action and emotions accompanying its investigation sequences. NCIS: New Orleans keeps true to this essential part of the franchise. NCIS: New Orleans was able to incorporate the core intensity of the franchise while establishing an individual identity that gave the series unique energy from its franchise siblings.

10 “The Third Man” Set Up an Intense Season Finale
The IMDb Score for “The Third Man” is 8.1/10

Season 2
Episode 23
Air Date May 10, 2016

“The Third Man” is the second to last episode of Season 2. “The Third Man” sees the agents of NCIS: New Orleans investigating the murder of a Navy master diver. Things complicate for the case when Homeland Security gets involved, which adds a layer of intrigue to the story. The case intensifies when links to terrorism are formed, and the stakes are raised for the team.

“The Third Man” sets the stage for one of the most intense finales for NCIS: New Orleans. However, due to “The Third Man” being largely a setup for the finale episode, the intensity is not at its full potential. “The Third Man” performs well as a setup episode but fails to elevate beyond that.

9 “Let It Ride” Sees a Team Member Out of His Element
The IMDb Score for “Let It Ride” is 8.1/10

Season 3
Episode 11
Air Date January 17th, 2017

Season 2, Episode 23, “Let It Ride,” is a fun episode that proves NCIS: New Orleans isn’t afraid to be inventive. With the team facing a truly imposing foe, they are forced to take riskier measures to get justice and close their case. “Let It Ride” is the intense conclusion storyline to catch a criminal mastermind within high connections that made it challenging to capture him.

The stakes are high for the team and this forces them to get creative to reach their goal. This leads to a complex undercover operation where the NCIS: New Orleans team sends their resident lab geek, Sebastian Lund, undercover. Seeing this fan-favorite character in a new environment adds to the excitement of “Let It Ride.”

8 “Mind Games” is a Twisted Ride of an Episode
The IMDb Score for “Mind Games” is an 8.1/10

Season 4
Episode 21
Air Date May 1, 2018

15 Best Police Shows Of All Time
Police shows like Law & Order and Blue Bloods have been on television for decades, but only a few stand out as the best of the best.

Season 4, Episode 21, “Mind Games,” is a truly shocking episode of NCIS: New Orleans. As the team investigates the murder of a pilot, Agent Gregorio recognizes similarities to an old case she studied at the FBI Academy. When she turns to an old instructor for help, dark secrets emerge that could pose a danger to her.

“Mind Games” reinforces the idea that adding Vanessa Ferlito as Tammy Gregorio to the main cast was a fantastic decision. Her character blends grit and sophistication with an unyielding determination that strengthens the core cast. “Mind Games” lets her character shine and pulls back the curtain into this character’s past.

7 “Means to an End” Cuts Deep for Agent Pride
The IMDb Score for “Means to an End” is 8.10/10

Season 2
Episode 19
Air Date March 22, 2016

Season 2, Episode 19, “Means to an End,” is a deeply personal episode of NCIS: New Orleans. The episode opens with Special Agent Dwayne Pride’s daughter, Laurel, being attacked while jogging and subduing her attacker. Further investigation reveals that Laurel and other members of the team have been being stalked and followed as they conducted their duties.

“Means to an End” is a very personal episode of NCIS: New Orleans. With their leader’s daughter put in the crosshairs, the gloves come off, and the agents are willing to do anything to keep her safe. “Means to an End” is an incredibly intense episode of NCIS: New Orleans with a personal undertone that makes it a fantastic watch.

6 “No Man’s Land” is an Intriguing Mystery
The IMDb Score for “No Man’s Land” is 8.1/10

Season 2
Episode 15
Air Date February 16, 2016

10 Crime Shows That Stand Out for Breaking Genre Molds
Crime TV shows tend to be repetitive, but series like Cold Case and Psych have deviated from time-worn formulas.

Season 2, Episode 15, “No Man’s Land,” is an interesting case for the NCIS: New Orleans team. An unknown man saves the life of a soldier, and further investigation reveals that the mysterious unknown man was a prisoner of war in Afghanistan. As the team searches for this POW, the emotional intensity of “No Man’s Land” ratchets up to meet the intensity of the action.

“No Man’s Land” provides a gut punch of emotion that elevates the episode’s action. The plight of prisoners of war is often overlooked, and this episode reminds viewers that they are not forgotten. This episode proves that NCIS: New Orleans is more than just an action-packed investigation show, but rather a nuanced series that sets itself apart from other NCIS franchise series via ample action and emotion.

5 “Poetic Justice” is a Finale With a Massive Undertaking
The IMDb Score for “Poetic Justice” is 8.1/10
Season 3
Episode 24
Air Date May 16, 2017
Season 3, Episode 24, “Poetic Justice,” concludes a thrilling story arc in NCIS: New Orleans. The NCIS: New Orleans team must go up against the mayor of New Orleans as he works to enact a devastating plot against his own people. With a lack of allies they can trust in the city, the team must find a way to take down the most powerful person in the city before he can push New Orleans beyond repair.

NCIS: New Orleans’ Mayor Hamilton has been a recurring villain figure for Special Agent Pride and the team since the beginning of the series. This thrilling takedown wraps the plotline up nicely and features fantastic performances from the cast. “Poetic Justice” is a satisfying conclusion with high stakes and intense action.

4 “Billy and the Kid” Calls Back to Before the Beginning
The IMDb Score for “Billy and the Kid” is 8.1/10

Season 2
Episode 10
Air Date November 24, 2015
Season 2, Episode 10, “Billy and the Kid,” blends the past and present when Special Agent Pride and the NCIS: New Orleans team uncover leads to the first case Pride and Special Agent Lasalle worked together after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans. This callback to such an emotional time in the lives of Pride and Lasalle invokes intense emotions when the past resurfaces.

“Billy and the Kid” is a multifaceted episode for NCIS: New Orleans. This episode explores the history of two fan-favorite protagonists before NCIS: New Orleans began while still depicting an active investigation with all the action fans expect from an episode. “Billy and the Kid” is a great episode of NCIS: New Orleans that shows how intensity can be found in the past as well as the present.

3 “How Much Pain Can You Take?” is an Intensely Devastating and Emotionally Fraught Episode
The IMDb Score for “How Much Pain Can You Take” is 8.1/10

Season 1
Episode 22
Air Date May 5, 2015
Season 1, Episode 22, “How Much Pain Can You Take,” is a killer finale for the freshman season of NCIS: New Orleans. The episode is a showdown with Dwayne Pride’s nemesis, the criminal Baitfish. Baitfish strikes again against the NCIS: New Orleans team, and the encounter proves fatal for an agent’s loved one. With the ultimate line crossed, the team must put an end to Baitfish’s reign of terror.

With the incredibly high stakes of this case, the emotional intensity is overflowing in “How Much Pain Can You Take.” The emotional toll the battle with Baitfish has had on the agents adds an extra layer of intensity to the action sequences of the episode. “How Much Pain Can You Take” is a powerful and punchy ending to the first season of NCIS: New Orleans.

2 “The Walking Dead” is a Powerful and Emotional Episode

The IMDb Score for “The Walking Dead” is 8.1/10

Season 1
Episode 13
Air Date Feb 3, 2015

10 Great Crime Shows Cancelled Too Soon
Crime TV shows like Hannibal, The Rookie: Feds, and Lie to Me were so action-packed and gripping that they deserved another season.

Season 1, Episode 13, “The Walking Dead” diverges from the standard formula of NCIS: New Orleans. “The Walking Dead” incorporates a popular police show trope of a living murder victim caused by radiation poisoning. The case has a personal note as the victim is a friend of Special Agent Dwayne Pride. The unique concept throws the rules out the window and touches on serious questions of mortality as the victim must wrestle with his unavoidable demise.

“The Walking Dead” has many factors that elevate it above other episodes of NCIS: New Orleans. The emotionally intense nature of having a living victim raised the stakes of this case. “The Walking Dead” is a powerfully and emotionally intense episode that doesn’t skimp on the action.

1 “Sleeping With the Enemy” Pushes the Team Further than Ever
The IMDb Score for “Sleeping With the Enemy” is 8.3/10
Season 2
Episode 24
Air Date May 17, 2016
“Sleeping With the Enemy” is a wild ride with serious consequences. This episode follows the NCIS: New Orleans team as they work alongside Homeland Security to investigate missing explosives. As the investigation progresses, the NCIS agents soon realize there is a mole at work with devastating intentions for New Orleans.

“Sleeping With the Enemy” is the most intense episode of NCIS: New Orleans. The combination of a mole hunt and the pressure of a potential act of terrorism place incredible stress on the agents as they work to save lives with the odds stacked against them. “Sleeping With the Enemy” is a fantastic season finale with some of the highest stakes ever seen in NCIS: New Orleans.

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